主演: Lipy Adler 尼古拉斯·安东尼 Giovana Cordeiro Bruna Inocencio Gessica Kayane Rafael Medrado 米卡埃尔·波尔格斯 Samya Pascotto Flavia Pavanelli Jean Pedro
Afterabreakup,aninfluencertakesherfriendsonafreetriptoBahia’svibrantCarnival,whereshelearnslife’snotjustaboutsocialmedialikes....详情 >
主演: Zeca Carvalho Thelmo Fernandes Caito Mainier Marcus Majella Pedroca Monteiro Pablo Sanábio Samantha Schmütz
Afterabotchedscam,ClóvisbumpsintoLohane,hisestrangedfostersister.Inabind,theysoonrealizetheonlywayoutistobandtogether...详情 >
导演: 马可·伯格 Marcelo Mónaco
主演: Ana Lucia Antony Candela García Redin Pedro Jover
该电影由6个小短片组成,风格撩人到欲罢不能,拍摄手法细腻,细节捕捉到位,所以更能触动人心,堪比微含蓄...详情 >
主演: 罗德里戈·桑塔纳 罗伯塔·罗德里格斯 Nany People Polly Marinho Faiska Alves 图卡·安德拉达 Thaynara Og Pedro Blanc Bia Guedes Vittor Fernando Maria Do Carmo Soares
在这部现场录制的离奇类喜剧剧集中,私自拉客的货车司机伊万利用幽默来应对他走到尽头的婚姻,并化解日常中遇...详情 >
主演: Zeca Carvalho Thelmo Fernandes Caito Mainier Marcus Majella Pedroca Monteiro Pablo Sanábio Samantha Schmütz
After a botched scam, Clóvis bumps into Lohane, his estranged foster sister. In a bind, they soon realize the only way out is to band together...详情 >
主演: Adélio Lima Arthur Canavarro Pedro Wagner 布鲁诺·高亚 Rafael Amancio Robson Medeiros ênio Cavalcante 哈法埃尔·罗索 Guilherme Leal Nivaldo Nascimento Geyson Luiz Jorge Paz 罗德里戈·加西亚 佩德罗·拉敏 鲁本斯·桑托斯
Ubaldoreceivesaninheritancethatwillchangehisdestinyforgood.Intheheartofthenorthwestdesert,he’llbecometheleaderofapackofruthlessbandits,fulfillingthel...详情 >
主演: Luis Bayardo Rodolfo Guerrero Eduardo Manzano José Carlos Ruiz Pedro Weber Chatanuga
讲述了三位老人为了一句承诺,走上了赴异地博物馆送手稿的路程,一路艰辛、意外频出,但仍然为故友了却了遗愿...详情 >